Episode 5

Published on:

25th Dec 2022

It's a Parranda Christmas!! (Holiday Special)

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you lovely people! We suggest watching this one first before you show to your kiddos! This episode, we talk about our favorite all-time Christmas memories and traditions, discuss our relationships with Santa, Gabi smuggles Christmas trees into a college apartment, and Amarilis punishes elves. Watch this one while you wrap Three Kings Day presents or just start off the new year! Merry Christmas, everyone, and Happy New Year!!

Amarilis's fillable e-book: https://amarilisgarcia.myshopify.com/products/from-stuck-to-empowered-a-mental-health-counselors-confessions-and-self-love-strategies

Aleisha Druet's Shop: https://aleishadruet.com/

Show artwork for I Am Here

About the Podcast

I Am Here
Sharing stories of healing, wellness, community, and love
Gabi and Amarilis are cousins sharing personal stories that promote awareness, love, growth, and healing. We invite you to connect and laugh with us as we explore honest conversations about our own spirituality, mental health, wellness, and self-love.

About your host

Profile picture for Gabriela Villegas

Gabriela Villegas

Gabi (she/her) is a university english major that loves to write, talk, and sing way too loudly.